I would like to have a wallpaper with such a drawing.
Sketches 1
Today I was checking my scans folder and found some nice stuff. So, let me take you to a little virtual tour of my sketchbooks.
As I am quite bad in drawing people – I draw animals. 2008 I think.
This one was the first in my first moleskine sketchbook. These are some friends having party in their shop. 2007
This was my trying to draw what I see in live music club. Somehow it looks terrible now. Let’s dance, not draw…
A picnic. Draw this for zazzle.com but forgot to finish… 2009
Some old pictures. That cat and dog drawn somewhere on a little piece of paper while talking on a phone or something. And idea of an anteater drawing.
City people in winter
I made this drawing for a contest: http://www.miestoiq.lt/p/virselio-konkursas/
A rainy day.
Last night I had a dream that we lost our car somewhere in Poland and my husband was dressed like David Bowie in one artistic video from 70-ies… That was inspiration for this illustration – long wide trousers and rain.
Cat’s year and Christmas market (one more)
Next year gonna be a year of a cat. Ok, ok, of a tiger. But I drew some cats for next years calendar.
And I used this one to illustrate my works for Christmas design market in Vilnius. There will be so many nice artists with their work.
Place: “Daiktu viesbutis”, Vilnius
Time: 12.00-18.00, december 19-20
Just for your interest: www.daiktuviesbutis.lt
One more picture from the same calendar.