Xmas Business

As always – busy busy before Christmas… Only dreaming about baking ginger cookies, decorating home or packaging presents. But some works made me smile. RABBITS INVASION!
Here they are:

15min xmas

A cover for newspaper winter events edition.
Check it here!

atvirukas lindy Q.cdr

A postcard for Lithuanian lindyhopers.

A calendar for the next year.
Buy zazzle version.

Some works were ordered to be a present – can’t show them now:)

Sketches 1

Today I was checking my scans folder and found some nice stuff. So, let me take you to a little virtual tour of my sketchbooks.


As I am quite bad in drawing people – I draw animals.  2008 I think.Scan10018

This one was the first in my first moleskine sketchbook. These are some friends having party in their shop. 2007


This was my trying to draw what I see in live music club. Somehow it looks terrible now. Let’s dance, not draw…Scan10046

A picnic. Draw this for zazzle.com but forgot to finish… 2009suo kat

Some old pictures. That cat and dog drawn somewhere on a little piece of paper while talking on a phone or something. And idea of an anteater drawing.

Animals (UK)

DSCF9263There is my favourite place in Chippenham – the park. In the middle of ths picture – my favourite bird in England.

DSCF9275Unhappy dog from the market.

DSCF9316Elegant cat from the window of a collectible bears shop.