
Today I received a lovely package (see the post stamp cats!) from Latvia with few comic books, stickers and other fun stuff.

IMG_7287 maz IMG_7288 In the very last page of a book or magazine or anthology called kuš! there is my little illustration. Actually I send the whole comic, just the one page got printed, but I should feel very lucky, because this issue supposed to be Latvian-only. Or almost. Being Lithuanian I can read few words in Latvian I got the idea of it (mainly theme and sizes of file) and drew the comic and here you see the first page of the story.


Now I’m thinking what to do with the rest of the story. Should I just publish it here? Until then – look there:

Paper Sea 2

It’s been a while since my last post. Because I am enjoying semi-holidays in my home country Lithuania 🙂

But cool guys from Australian Paper Sea magazine (remember? – few of my illustrations got there) started a happy subscriber giveaway and there is some of my cards too 🙂


2) FOLLOW HERE:  @paperseaqrtly


And maybe you’ll get a lovely brown hand stamped bag (everyone’s crazy about them somehow) with cards 🙂


I think Melbourne smells like coffee.
There is even a coffee expo. I got involved in it too – Me and two more artists had to decorate the coffee machines for an upcoming auction. If you know anyone planning to open a cafe in Australia – tell them to come and have a look on those Italian (of course!) machines.
This was one of the sketches – coffee monster, but together with the client we came up with another idea.

After that there was some stencil cutting.

And spray painting in the basement.

And more stencils.

And markers.

The result! Well, it is jut front panel, hope to get the picture of the whole machine.

And the monster? It became a greeting card!

Flip Flops

It was an early (for an artist) morning, I was still sleeping and then the phone rang. Unknown number. I answered. It was Nick from Etiko, who told about how they saw my designs somewhere and got contacts and would like me to make some drawings for thongs. At that time I was still very new to Australia. I am still afraid of speaking with people via phone, because sometimes I just don’t understand. And then. I was still sleeping. What? Why? Thongs? The only thing I could think of was… underwear thongs 🙂 

But it was all about Australia’s favorite footwear – flip flops. I had to create few designs each of them represents some organisation or charity project.  And everything is fair trade made!

It took me a while to take a picture of finished product but there they are.

See the koala! We were camping, koalas were roaring all night, so I look not very fresh in the morning, but I have nice footwear at least!

Get them there!